Leadership in the Implementation of Business Continuity Programme

Integrating Business Continuity Management into every organisation’s operations is crucial. This course aims to provide learners the key focus areas in BCMS programme required to integrate into the business operations. It is essentially useful for the Business Leaders and Heads of Department and the BC champions to have a quick overview on the programme.

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Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Apply the use of key risk indicators of disruptive events during crisis
  • Understand to maximise the use of resources in order to support the business continuity plans
  • Understand the roles of the various plans used in conjunction with each other during crisis
  • Contribute to the directions of your Business Continuity Plans
  • Comprehend  the components of Incident Response, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Plans

Course Outline

  • Overview of the BCMS Programme and understand the Business Continuity Management Principles
  • Utilise key risk indicators of disruptive events to inform and activate crisis response and recovery activities
  • Prioritise the resources available in the organization to support business continuity plans
  • Interpret crisis assessment documentation to contribute to business continuity plans
  • Identify critical business functions and their inter-dependencies during disruptive events
  • Identify and manage synergies between incident response plans, crisis management plans, business continuity plans and organizational operational plan during crisis.

Course Duration & Conduct

Duration: 1 day 
9 am – 5 pm (including 1-hour lunch break)

Conduct of course: Classroom or Online Training Available
– Classroom Training will be held in Kuala Lumpur unless otherwise stated below.
– Online Live Training will be held via Zoom

Course Audience

  • Newly appointed Business Continuity and/or Risk Managers
  • Newly appointed Coordinators
  • Head of Department

Course Fees

Type of Fee Fee (excluding 8% SST) Fee (including 8% SST)
Course fee RM 1,990 RM 2,149.20

This course is a HRD Corp Claimable! Contact us to learn more about the grant.

Further discount for BCP Asia Client/Group rate is available, please contact us at (60) 3 9212 4899 or email us at enquiry@bcpasia.com

Course Runs

Click on the dates below to register for the training