Specialised Training for Damage Assessment & Salvage Team

Course Overview

Disasters are often unforeseeable and unpredictable; at the same time, the damage that they bring could be disruptive to daily operations or could incur heavy losses to the business. To minimise the disruption that disasters might present to the business, there is a need to have an effective process for damage assessment and salvage. The damage assessment team (DAT) would conduct a preliminary but fairly accurate onsite assessment of the damage of loss suffered in the event of a disaster before formal claims or disaster declarations are filed. The salvage team would then determine if the items and property can be salvaged and also determine on how soon the site can be returned to normal.

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Course Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to :

  • Understand their roles and responsibilities as part of the Damage Assessment and Salvage teams
  • Describe and explain the impact of a disaster and in turn, set priorities and make recommendations on responding to the disaster and the initial steps for recovery
  • Develop the Damage Assessment and Salvage teams’ checklist during peace time

Course Outline

  • Overview of BCMS framework, team structures and roles & responsibilities
  • Overview of roles & responsibilities of DAT and Salvage teams and their purpose in the BCMS program
  • To illustrate the activation procedures, review process and initial steps for recovery for the Damage Assessment team and the salvage procedures for the Salvage Team
  • Review the factors involved to ensure safety for all salvage personnel involved and assess on the feasibility of salvage, peacetime duties and contacting vendors
  • To develop customised damage assessment / salvage procedure checklists based on different situations/needs/requirements/extent of damage as part of the learning outcome

Course Duration & Conduct

Duration: 1 day
9 am – 5 pm (including 1-hour lunch break)

Conduct of course: Classroom or Online Training Available
– Classroom Training will be held in Kuala Lumpur unless otherwise stated below.
– Online Live Training will be held via Zoom

Course Audience

Ideally suited to approved DAT members, Salvage Team members, BC Team members and professionals interested in handling the damage assessment or salvage for the company during times of disasters or crisis.

Course Fees

Type of Fees

Fees (exclude 8% SST)

Fees (include 8% SST)
Early Bird fees
Register 4 weeks before the course start date
RM1,550 RM1,674
Normal Fees RM1,990 RM2,149.20

This course is a HRD Corp Claimable! Contact us to learn more about the grant.

Further discount for BCP Asia Client/Group rate is available, please contact us at (60) 3 9212 4899 or email us at enquiry@bcpasia.com

Course Runs and Registration