

Feb 22

Organizational Resilience in Companies within APAC Survey Report

The data gathered in this report are through online surveys conducted between July 2021 to October 2021. A total of 100 respondents took part in this survey with participants representing...
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Feb 21

Towards 2021 – Upcoming Organisation Risk & Resiliency Trends

From early 2020, businesses around the world collectively experienced the impacts of COVID-19 where there were business disruptions and even stoppages imposed by government regulations in a bid to contain...
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Nov 20

2020 COVID-19’s Effects on Business Survey Report

From April to July 2020, BCP Asia conducted a second APAC-regional survey to understand organisations' readiness and preparedness with respect to the COVID-19 situation.We have compiled the results and published the...
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May 20

Post COVID-19: Returning to Business as Usual – What is the New Normal?

Most countries across the globe have been in Lockdown mode since March (or earlier) with varying degrees of lockdown measures such as the Circuit Breaker in Singapore, the Movement Control...
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Apr 20

The 2020 Pandemic Response Readiness Survey Report

Introduction The SARS outbreak in 2003 was a trying time for businesses that were not prepared, but it has taught us a valuable lesson. Since then, we, as a community,...
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